
Learning and sharing are great ways to make connections. If I learn something great, I don’t want to keep it to myself. I have educated myself about chickens, birds, and healthy homesteading.

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In the past year or so, I became a chicken mama. It has been non-stop education ever since. I chronicle some benefits of chickens in Raising Backyard Chickens – Health Benefits. 

On my humble homestead, we attract so many birds that I am now an amateur birder. I am learning to identify not only by sight, but also sound. Hummingbirds are a favorite around our place. I managed to catch this hummingbird hovering right in front of me.  I share about our hummingbirds in Hummingbirds Rule. humming - Copy

I am passionate about cooking and more importantly about eating. I am on a journey to becoming fit and healthy, but still maintain my love of food. If I can help anyone else along the way, that just makes everything that much more satisfying.

To read about my humble homestead please follow this link My Homestead.

To read more about my goals with this blog please read Let’s Talk About Me.

23 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku Prompt Challenge Rewind #13 | ronovanwrites

  2. Pingback: Liebster Award | Jet Set Brunette

  3. Pingback: RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku Prompt Challenge Rewind #14 | ronovanwrites

  4. Pingback: My First #Book and My First Year of #Blogging | PhoTrablogger

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