Blogging for GRIT

Like any blogger, I am always looking for a larger audience. I recently started blogging for GRIT in hopes of doing just that. So far it has been a nice experience. My first two articles have done far better than anything that I have done on my own. I don’t know if it will always be this way, but both articles were shared on the GRIT Facebook page and I am sure that is what helped me with more exposure. It is a nice boost for my fragile ego.

This is what GRIT says about themselves, “For more than 125 years, Grit has helped its readers live more prosperously and happily while emphasizing the importance of community and a rural lifestyle tradition.” If this sounds like a fit for you, I recommend looking into blogging for them. It can be a first step to having an article published in their magazine. I would really love for that to happen to me. Contact Jean Teller via e-mail, if you have any interest in blogging for GRIT.

I would love for you to check out my recent blog posts for GRIT.

Coping with Garden Failure

Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Health Benefits of Backyard Chickens

I invite you to visit Faithful Homesteader on Facebook.

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