Monthly Archives: August 2014

Easy Cooking Tips for New Cooks

For most of my adult life, I have been single and cooking was definitely not a priority. I loved the convenience of fast food and processed frozen meals. Occasionally I would make a steak or turkey burger. If I had spaghetti, I used pre-made sauce. I married for the first time at 35 to a man who loves to cook and is good at it. However, since my husband was the only one with a job, I knew I needed to step up and do some cooking. I used some tips from my husband and I also started watching cooking shows. If I had a recipe in mind, I would do a search on the Internet. Continue reading

Easy Homemade Squash Chips

Usually when we grow squash, we have an abundance of it. We found a great way to use the extra. My husband made some yummy squash chips with our $15 dehydrator that we found at a secondhand store. This has been a great find for us. When making the squash chips, it is important to pick the squash when they are not overgrown. Smaller squash works the best. Continue reading

My Homestead

Since I entitled by blog Faithful Homesteader, I wanted to write a little post about my humble homestead. I own a small house with my husband with just less than half an acre of land. We live in a semi-rural area. My husband has a green thumb and it has served us well. He likes to grow a variety of different foods and loves to experiment with a variety of organic methods. We rarely buy vegetables at the store and often have plenty to share with our family and friends. We have three chickens that help in the garden. They provide fertilizer and pest control. In the past, they have provided eggs, but they are currently on strike. Continue reading

Raising Backyard Chickens – Health Benefits

Due to a stray chicken that wandered into my yard one day, I have become a backyard chicken farmer and I have discovered some unexpected health benefits due to raising backyard chickens. I call myself a reluctant chicken farmer because I never had any desire to raise chickens, but I am learning so much and the health benefits are undeniable. If you are considering raising backyard chickens, consider these great health benefits to being a chicken farmer.

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My Non-GMO Journey

The press about genetically modified (GMO) foods has led me on a journey to seek out non-GMO options. I wanted to share what I have learned about GMOs and name some of my favorite non-GMO products.  I really became a label reader when I first noticed the Non-GMO Project Verified label. This label led me to pay a lot more attention to the foods that I buy that may be genetically modified. Continue reading